The In Between Moments
We always look forward to the “special moments” of our lives, the milestones, the big events. However, life is full of in between moments.
How do you live your in between moments? Some people get very lonely during these times. They are not at work or preparing for something special or important and they look around for something to fill that void.
Some will have a glass of wine, others grab a book, others go for a walk, others watch a movie.
There are others however that will do something completely out of the ordinary and make that in between moment a special moment.
These are the 3 ways to fill in between moments that will create results and support your goals:
- Read a non fiction book
- Exercise for 30 minutes
- Clean and organize an area of your home
And these are 3 ways to fill in between moments that will enrich your life in a different way:
- Write a story or poem, whatever comes to mind first
- Call a friend or relative to joke about the week
- Go for a walk and help someone who is working on something
Enjoy and use your in between moments, appreciate them and don’t forget how important it is to do them right so they fill your life with goodness.