3 ways to connect with nature

I am an urban girl. Living in the pavement jungle. I like the city life. However, there is always that need to connect with the earth. To stop and feel.

These are my 3 go to steps to reconnect with nature without going camping, and how introducing this in your everyday can bring you wellbeing.

1. Find your spot. Get out of your home or apartment. Find the closest patch of gras you can find. Your backyard, the park, the grass on the median and take your shoes off. Feel the grass under your feet. Is it wet or dry? Are the grass blades wide or thin. Make a mental note of that feeling.

2. Water views. Looking at water, never still, always living and changing is great for our system. Locate the river, lake or ocean closest to you. Preferably something with movement like a river, or with a tide. Now close your eyes and listen. There will be a small breeze or a strong wind. Now open your eyes and let them wonder on all the shapes water creates, the ways in which it captures the light. Bring it all into your system.

3. Wish on a star. Get a blanket and set it in a place where you have the least tree coverage at night and that you are the highest and safest. When nighttime comes, lay comfortably on your blanket and close your eyes, now, slowly open them, what can you see? I think you are in the presence of the universe’s art. The wonder of stars, close and far that shine through their life. Keep a mental picture of it, your own image of peace and magnificence.

That’s it, easy enough that you can do it often, impactful enough that it will heal and nurture you.

Love yourself, love your life and be open to amazement in the simple things.